About panel
  • What is consumer panel?

    Consumer panel is a platform on which consumers share their opinions about products and services and exchange information about the use of products and services. Only limited number of consumers regularly provided information to researchers on traditional consumer panels. Nevertheless, the development of technology has allowed more consumers to gather in one space and conduct selective researches.

For consumers
  • How should consumers use the panel?

    Consumers must first create an account on the panel by providing the necessary information. Consumers will increase the likelihood of sending surveys to the personal panel by providing reliable personal information. Since the panel checks the data in various ways and accurately estimates the probability of its invalidity, it does not send surveys to such consumers. In addition, if consumers do not respond to surveys sent to them correctly, accurately, in detail and in accordance with the instructions, then the answers are cancelled and not paid.

  • How to withdraw payments made to the balance?

    To withdraw the amount from the balance, you just need to write your phone number in the "Balance operations" section and confirm by pressing the "cash out" button. As soon as your survey is confirmed by the Panel, the amount will be automatically transferred to your account in Portmanat. If you do not have an account in Portmanat, the system will redirect you to “open an account” option.

  • How does the amount of payment vary depending on the questionnaires?

    Payment for each survey varies depending on the number of questions.

  • How does the lottery system work?

    Along with the payment for the questionnaire, the lottery is also being developed in some researches. The reward is given to a consumer randomly selected by the system. The award is necessarily won by any consumer. The notification is sent both to the panel account and to the winner’s phone number. Lottery winners are invited to the company and presented awards.

  • How does the donation system work?

    Consumers can entirely or partly donate the amount on balance to people in need. The donated amounts are collected in a separate section of the Panel and transferred by Bimact to charitable organizations and other people in need. A report on donations and their use is submitted publicly.

  • Why do I need to provide personal information upon registration?

    When signing up it is a must to specify the name and surname of each consumer so that the Panel can determine that consumers are not robots, but real people and each consumer has the only account. However, the name, surname, telephone number and other similar information about the consumer shall not under any circumstances be passed on to the parties conducting the research or to other third parties. The reason for collecting information on gender, age, income level, etc. is to send relevant surveys to consumers. Just like every product has its own consumer, every research has its own target audience. The panel needs this information to pinpoint the target audience and send surveys to the appropriate respondents. Otherwise, the surveys related to women's goods would be sent to men, and vice versa and the surveys related to goods for young people would be sent to old people, etc.

  • How is data confidentiality and anonymity ensured?

    Research is not aimed to make a conclusion about a single consumer. Research is not even aimed to make a conclusion about consumer group being surveyed. The purpose of the research is to obtain cumulative final results on the sample, that is, respondents participating in the survey, and use them to summarize information about the target population. For example, if during a survey you are asked how much money you spend on food for a month, the goal here is not to find out how much money you spend. The goal is to calculate the total monthly population expenditure on food via statistical methods, using your and other respondents’ average expenditure rate. That is why, the panel does not provide any information about consumers while submitting research results to companies. With the help of a conditional code, researchers are provided only with consumers’ answers to questions. Companies do not have any information about the respondents, their telephone numbers and so on. This panel policy is designed to protect confidentiality and anonymity, as well as discourage any advertising harassment.

For businesses/researchers
  • How should companies (and other researchers) pay?

    A "card payment" option has been added to the Panel allowing researchers to easily make payments. Companies wishing to replenish their account can receive account information via e-mail posted on the panel. If companies urgently need to conduct a survey, they can apply and request survey confirmation before payment.

  • What is the advantage of an online consumer panel for researchers?

    According to the experiments, online panels for consumers are often faster and more cost-effective compared to traditional research tools, and at the same time provide the same accuracy of results. By meeting quota selection requirements, it allows to pinpoint your target audience and get representative results.

  • How is the survey price calculated for companies?

    The price for research varies depending on the number of questions in the questionnaire and the total number of questionnaires. According to the calculation algorithm, as the number of questions in the questionnaire increases, the amount of payment per question decreases, but then stabilizes after a certain limit. As the total number of questionnaires increases, the amount of payment per questionnaire decreases sharply. After 1000 questionnaires, payment per unit of a questionnaire is up to 50%. These benefits are provided by the Panel and do not affect the amount paid to consumers.

  • How is the quality of the data ensured?

    Regarding online data accuracy, consumer panels have certain advantages over other types of research. According to scientific research, people provide more thoughtful, accurate, and useful information when they write, rather than when they use other means of communication. On the other hand, the panel uses the following tools to prevent fraud aimed at receiving payment from the Panel:

    • Each consumer has a unique account, confirmed by phone number.
    • Each consumer confirms his/her account by means of PIN code.
    • According to preliminary data received from each consumer surveys are sent to consumers only in accordance with the objectives of the research.
    • Information provided by consumers in different surveys is compared and analyzed. Consumers applying fraud are dismissed from the panel.
    • To verify the quality of data, the company develops training algorithms.
    • If any survey contains false information, such questionnaire is terminated and the consumer does not receive payment.
    • The system calculates certain indicators related to data quality.
    • Each consumer has a unique account, confirmed by phone number.
    • Each consumer confirms his/her account by means of PIN code.
    • According to preliminary data received from each consumer surveys are sent to consumers only in accordance with the objectives of the research.
    • Information provided by consumers in different surveys is compared and analyzed. Consumers applying fraud are dismissed from the panel.
    • To verify the quality of data, the company develops training algorithms.
    • If any survey contains false information, such questionnaire is terminated and the consumer does not receive payment.
    • The system calculates certain indicators related to data quality.
  • What additional benefits does Arasdirma.az offer?

    As we know, there are demographic questions in each questionnaire related to profiles of at least 5 consumers. For example, questions related to gender, age, etc. When creating a survey on Araşdırma.az there is no need to add such questions and pay for them. All this information is automatically added by Araşdırma.az to the results of your research.

  • What kind of discounts and benefits are provided to companies?

    The system calculates the price for questionnaire using an algorithm that reduces the amount of payment per unit of question as the number of questions increases and reduces the amount of payment per unit of questionnaire as the sample size increases. As the number of questions increases, the payment per unit of question decreases, and after 15 questions it stabilizes. Depending on the number of questionnaires, the following benefits are provided: for 400-600 questionnaires - 20% of discount, for 600-800 questionnaires - 30% of discount, for 800-1000 questionnaires - 40% of discount, for more than 1000 questionnaires - 50% of discount. Discounts are calculated progressively.


Types of questions
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